Meet Winston! This snazzy dude came to us through no fault of his own, and boy, does he know how to rock a bowtie! He might start off a tad grumbly when you first meet him, but give him a half a heartbeat, and he’ll be your new best pal! Winston's still polishing up on his puppy manners, but he's a quick learner! Just a heads-up: he’s not a fan of feline friends, so a cat-free home is a must. Ready to catch some puppy vibes? Give us a ring to schedule a meet and greet!
Every dog/cat receives the following before going to their forever home:
Initial vaccinations & de-worming
Complete health examination
Any procedures required for the health and wellness of the animal. (Dental, treatments etc.)
Microchip implant (pet identification device)
Complimentary vet exam from a local veterinary clinic partner within 3 weeks of adoption
Initial de-worming
Some medications (if necessary)
Starter food kit provided
Not ready for a long-term commitment?
You provide the love, we supply everything else! Fur Foster Parenting is one of the many rewarding volunteer opportunities at Central Alberta Humane Society.
Keep up with what’s happening at #CAHumane by connecting with us on social media.
You Provide The Love, We Supply Everything Else
Fur Foster Parenting is one of the many rewarding volunteer opportunities at CA Humane.
Be A Part Of Something Bigger Than Yourself
All volunteer positions are important to us and especially to the animals. From events to everyday operations.
Read Happy Tails Adoption Stories From Former CA Humane Pets!
Central Alberta Humane Society proudly re-homes hundreds animals each year into caring forever homes. These are stories shared by some of their new families.